
Where can I get contraception?

There are a variety of contraception methods available within the NHS. You can request to speak to one of our nurses if you want to start contraception, via an online consultation. They will discuss the best options available for you and where  the practice offers non-invasive contraception methods, other options can be delivered at other clinics. 

There is also advice and information available on the alleast sexual health website. Through this site you can view clinics available outside of the GP setting within Waltham Forest and East London. 

Already taking the pill and need a review?

You can complete on online review to be sent to our nurses and book an appointment, you can do this oline via your online service provider or by contacting the surgery. It is important to review your blood pressure when taking the pill as there are risks involved and having your blood pressure taken regularly can rduce the these risks and identify complications early.

Types of contraception avaiable

Permanent Contraception methods

Emergency Contraception

Also known as the morning after pill, you can buy this over the counter from the pharmacy or you cen get it free, check the areas below which pharmacies offer this service.

Free Condoms

If you are aged 13 - 25 years old and living in waltham forest you can get free condoms by signing up to the CCard scheme. Visit the Waltham Forest website for more information.