Children's Health: 6-12 Years




Information for parents of children aged 6-12 years


Alternative Healthcare Providers


Support For Parents


child counselling 

Charities and Organisations

  • ChildLine: Available for all ages, a counselling service for children and young people
  • NSPCC: Available for all ages, help for young people
  • Young minds: Available for ages 0-19 years,  a charity that aims to improve the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.
  • The Children's Society: Available for ages under 18 help with Children around the UK who are vulnerable and scared
  • Family lives:  Available for all ages, a national family support charity providing help and support in all aspects of family life, including difficulties in relationships, divorce/separation, bullying, legal/financial issues, step families etc. 
  • Kooth:  Available for ages 11-25 years, free online support service for young people. Online chat. Providing real time help with friendly, qualified counsellors
  • TheMix: Ages under 25, Information, support and listening for people under 25 on topics to relationships to school stress and family problems.
  • ZigZag: for children aged 3-11 in Waltham Forest with pre- and post-bereavement difficulties.  This would include children with a life-limiting illness themselves or those with a family member with a life-limiting illness as well as those who have been bereaved.
  • Coping through football: For ages 12-17, a social inclusion project that uses football as a tool to engage people who have experienced mental health problems.
  • East London Out Project: Ages under 25, a range of social, emotional and support services to LGBT communities, and their core services include counselling and young people’s services.

Help with school and finding a job

  • The Princes TrustAges 11-30, The Prince's Trust is a youth charity that helps young people aged 11 to 30 get into jobs, education and training
  • Safer LondonAges 11-30, London charity working to prevent and address gang violence, vulnerability and sexual exploitation. We provide needs led intensive support, early intervention and mentoring through our extensive, pan London services, ages 11 to 30 get into jobs, education and training.